While Brian and Lauren dealt with the countless hassles of moving into their new apartment (see the earlier post by Brian), Max spent a week with Meema and Deeda in NH. I think we got the better end of this bargain!The "transfer" happened at the Blue Colony Diner in Danbury, CT--about halfway for each of us.
Deeda and Max went to the antique gas engine meet where we found this prehistoric creature. So many tractors!
Max took naps.
And he had some of his favorite meals.
("No, Deeda! Not beans and rice. Rice and beans!!)
And, he read countless books. He even got visitors to read to him.
(In this case, our friend, Pam Stevens).
Deeda arranged for Max to spend two days at the Pine Hill Child Care Center--the center that operates in the school where Deeda works. PHCCC is a wonderful, nurturing place. Max fit in quickly and well.
Every afternoon--rain or shine--the children go for a walk with their teacher. It looks like a little chain gang, but it's very cute. Max, BTW, is next to last in the "line-up."
Max is home, now, in his new apartment, in his own room, and sleeping in his "big boy bed." Sadly, our house is a little quieter now.