Saturday, December 4, 2010


This is the quilt Sue made as a wedding gift for David and Amanda.  She sewed a label (shown below) on the back of the quilt that gives the basic details.  

The finished quilt is 108" by 108".  The block print bird that David and Amanda used as the visual theme for their wedding is quilted into each corner.   And, stitched in cursive around the outside edge is a quote from the book that was read at the wedding, A Lovely Love Story, by Edward Monkton.  The quote reads, "Together they stand on the hill, telling each other stories and feeling the warmth of the sun on their backs.  And that, my friends, is how it is with love."

It truly is a beautiful work of art.  And, since the fabrics were contributed by so many wedding guests, it will a source of wonderful memories for David and Amanda.

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