Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 23, 2011

The day after Earth Day and we get snow. Figures.  Ironically, I took the snowblower off the tractor yesterday.

Not that we really celebrated Earth Day, but it was a nice day, sunny and fairly warm. I was on vacation and played golf at Shattuck (round #2 for the year--very pleased with how I played). Then we went to Kimball's. And, when we came home spent time walking around the yard.

Happy to report that we saw a pair of Cardinals, the first we've seen at our house in a very long time. Hope they are here to nest. The Broadwing Hawks are also back--watched a pair soaring in and out of our trees. It's just amazing to watch them fly.  Not sure where the nest is, but I think it's in the woods on the east side of the house.

Happy spring.

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